Monday, 9 January 2017

A Great Start!

At Moorlands we supply high quality cheesemaking equipment and supplies, with our starter cultures being no exception. Our excellent selection of starter cultures ensure that whatever variety of cheese you decide to make, it gets off to a good start!

What are starter cultures?

The first stage in making cheese involves ‘ripening’ the milk, converting the sugars (lactose) in the milk to lactic acid. Starter cultures, which are basically strains of bacteria originally sourced during the natural cheesemaking process, but now often grown in labs, control this process.

There are two main groups of culture, mesophilic that like moderate temperatures and thermophilic, which react to warmer conditions, with each type being bettersuited to specific cheeses.

We’re pleased to offer a wide range of starter cultures aimed at a broad selection of popular cheeses, buttermilk and yogurt. Whether you’re looking for something specific, such as a starter for Gouda, Mozzarella or Parmesan, or are looking to purchase a handy starter kit containing multiple options, we offer great choice. Just take a look at to view the options.

Remember, great cheese starts with a great culture!

For more information!
Phone 0196 335 0634
Write to: Moorland Cheesemakers LTD
               Lorien House
               South Street
               Castle Cary
               BA7 7ES