Welcome to the blog for
Moorlands Cheesemaking Ltd, suppliers of professional-style cheesemaking kits
that allow you to make delicious cheese tailored to your individual tastes, in
your own home.
Originally established in 1969, Moorlands is based in Somerset, home of
traditional English Cheddar and the popular Frome Agricultural and Cheese Show.
People from all walks of life including top London restaurateurs and well-known
celebrity chefs have purchased our cheese kits.
The beauty of making your own cheese is that you can take into account
your own personal food intolerances or tastes. For example, if you are unable
to digest cows’ milk, you can use goats’ or ewes’ milk instead or if you like a
cheese flavoured with herbs or spices you can add these when making your
Our cheesemaking kits come complete with liquid rennet (an enzyme
complex that curdles milk) and high quality starters (cultures containing
lactic-acid producing bacteria used in the fermentation process). They also
contain the necessary equipment to get started with the cheesemaking process
including cheese moulds, thermometer, cheesecloth, full instructions and, in
the case of hard cheese kits, a press.

For more information please visit www.cheesemaking.co.uk
For enquiries please call 0196 335 0634 or use our customer enquiry form
at www.cheesemaking.co.uk/index.php?route=information/contact
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing our love of
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